

OCD services offered in Harrisburg, PA


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes uncontrollable obsessions that you develop ritualized compulsions to control. If these problems cause you distress, Grace Muthami, PMHNP-BC of Brightmind Wellness, based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, can help you reclaim control. Grace offers secure online therapy delivered at home that unlocks your inner power and conquers OCD’s symptoms. If you’re a Pennsylvania resident, call Brightmind Wellness or request a telehealth appointment online for expert help overcoming OCD.


What is OCD?

People with OCD develop uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions) that they attempt to manage with repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

Obsessions are thoughts that preoccupy you most or all of the time, causing considerable anxiety. Anything could become the focus of an obsession, but most commonly, it’s something distressing or unpleasant. Examples include:

  • Fear of germs or dirt
  • Needing order and symmetry
  • Harming yourself or others
  • Sexual or religious topics

Compulsions are ritual behaviors that develop in response to obsessions. Common compulsions include repeated checking, excessive cleaning, counting, and performing specific tasks a set number of times. For example, you may be unable to leave a room without turning the lights on and off 15 times.

If you can’t complete compulsive behaviors precisely as you wish, it causes immense distress and even panic. You might believe something terrible will happen if you can’t perform your rituals.

Obsessions and compulsions are stressful and time-consuming. They can dominate your life and take all your focus and energy. But with expert treatment, you can overcome OCD.

Why would I develop OCD?

It’s not clear exactly what causes OCD. Its roots could be genetic, or OCD might develop when something goes wrong with your brain chemistry. Learning obsessive and compulsive behaviors during childhood or from people around you is also possible.

Your risk of developing OCD is higher if there’s a family history of the condition or other mental health disorders. Having psychiatric conditions like anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) could trigger OCD. Stressful life events also increase your risk of developing OCD.

How do I overcome OCD?

Grace offers comprehensive treatment for OCD, combining psychotherapy and medication.

Psychotherapy involves talking to a skilled therapist about your obsessions and compulsions. Grace helps you identify experiences or traumas that triggered your OCD and work through your emotional problems. When you’ve isolated the driving force behind your OCD, you can reduce and change the unwanted behaviors and thoughts.

Therapy also helps you cope with daily life. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches you to challenge intrusive, often mistaken thoughts and disbeliefs and alter them to something more positive. Antidepressant medications can also help relieve OCD symptoms.

To gain long-lasting relief from OCD symptoms, call Brightmind Wellness or book a telehealth appointment online today.